Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Functions of Human Resource Management

Some of the major functions of human resource management are as follows: 1. Managerial Functions 2. Operative Functions 3. Advisory Functions.

Human Resource or Personnel Department is established in most of the organisations, under the charge of an executive known as Human Resource/Personnel Manager. This department plays an important role in the efficient management of human resources.

The personnel department gives assistance and provides service to all other departments on personnel matters. Though personnel or human resource manager is a staff officer in relation to other departments of the enterprise, he has a line authority to get orders executed within his department.

(i) Managerial, click the link

(ii) Operative and

(iii) Advisory functions.
Functions of HRM

1. Managerial Functions:

The Human Resource Manager is a part of the organisational management. So he must perform the basic managerial functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling in relation to his department.

There functions are briefly discussed below:

1. Planning:

To get things done through the subordinates, a manager must plan ahead. Planning is necessary to determine the goals of the organisation and lay down policies and procedures to reach the goals. For a human resource manager, planning means the determination of personnel programs that will contribute to the goals of the enterprise, i.e., anticipating vacancies, planning job requirements, job descriptions and determination of the sources of recruitment.

The process of personnel planning involves three essential steps.

Firstly, a supply and demand forecast for each job category is made. This step requires knowledge to both labour market conditions and the strategic posture and goals of the organisation.

Secondly, net shortage and excess of personnel by job category are projected for a specific time horizon. To know more....

Finally, plans are developed to eliminate the forecast shortages and excess of particular categories of human resources.

2. Organizing:

Once the human resource manager has established objectives and developed plans and programs to reach them, he must design and develop organisation structure to carry out the various operations.

The organisation structure basically includes the following:

(i) Grouping of personnel activity logically into functions or positions;

(ii) Assignment of different functions to different individuals;

(iii) Delegation of authority according to the tasks assigned and responsibilities involved;

(iv) Co-ordination of activities of different individuals.

3. Directing:

The plans are to be pure into effect by people. But how smoothly the plans are implemented depends on the motivation of people. The direction function of the personnel manager involves encouraging people to work willingly and effectively for the goals of the enterprise.

In other words, the direction function is meant to guide and motivate the people to accomplish the personnel programs. The personnel manager can motivate the employees in an organisation through career planning, salary administration, ensuring employee morale, developing cordial relationships and provision of safety requirements and welfare of employees.

The motivational function poses a great challenge for any manager. The personnel manager must have the ability to identify the needs of employees and the means and methods of satisfy those needs. Motivation is a continuous process as new needs and expectations emerge among employees when old ones are satisfied.

4. Controlling:

Controlling is concerned with the regulation of activities in accordance with the plans, which in turn have been formulated on the basis of the objectives of the organisation. Thus, controlling completes the cycle and leads back to planning. It involves the observation and comparison of results with the standards and correction of deviations that may occur.

Controlling helps the personnel manager to evaluate the control the performance of the personnel department in terms of various operative functions. It involves performance appraisal, critical examination of personnel records and statistics and personnel audit.

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